This store is now available in all states.The gold coin is called Alliance Funds.Alliance Honor is bound to the Chief and is retained if the Chief changes Alliance.5 minutes and 1 hour Research Speedups, Training Speedups, Construction Speedups.Furnace Labor Boost, Farm Labor Boost, Gas Tank Labor Boost, Lumberyard Labor Boost.Random Relocator, Territory Relocator, Alliance Relocator, Advanced Relocator.Alliance Honor obtained is dependent on the level of Plague zone neutralized.Īt the end of the week, Alliance members get ranking rewards which also include alliance Honor. PLAGUE ZONE You can get Alliance Honor from daily ranking rewards.

The amount of Honor points depends on the level of the infected.

You can also get it from the donation daily and weekly rankings. ALLIANCE TECH DONATIONS: Donating resources to research alliance tech gives Alliance honor (1 donation gives 336 Alliance Honor).

To purchase items in the alliance store, you will need to acquire Alliance Honors in the following ways